
Congress Centrum Ulm / Maritim Hotel Ulm Basteistr. 40 89073 Ulm

Bauma 2025

Werne & Thiel
sensortechnic GbR
Untere Mühlewiesen 2a
D-79793 Wutöschingen
Tel 0049 (0) 77 46/24 25
Fax 0049 (0) 77 46/25 88

Werne & Thiel sensortechnic

Our company’s aim is not only to develop innovative and high-grade products but also to pursue an holistic and custom-oriented approach. This is one reason for the excellent market positioning and worldwide acceptance of “Werne & Thiel sensortechnic”. Another reason is the close relationship to our employees. Highly motivated employees is what we need to find new solution strategies and upgrade our products to cope with the challenge of global market.

We, Walter Werne and Andreas Thiel, are the owners of the “Werne & Thiel sensortechnic”. Formerly employed in the “Arnold Automation”, which was founded by Gerd Arnold in 1972, we aquired this company in 2000. The “Werne & Thiel sensortechnic”, as it is now called, is growing steadily since then. Thousands of our measuring systems are installed worldwide and are supported by independent abroad agencies in many countries. Our highly innovative and top quality products helped us to achieve a great position in the market over the last years. Our aim is to cultivate a fair and constructive partnership with our customers - especially process control and plant manufacturers - and with our independent abroad agencies. We want to be your highly innovative, competent and reliable partner by developing and manufacturing products consequently focused on your needs. “Werne & Thiel sensortechnic” is your provider of innovative and state-of-the-art products, equipped with the latest upgrades in technology.
Another aspect of our philosophy is to make decisions fast, efficiently and promptly, by the help of integrated workflow management. Integrated development and manufacturing gives us the needful flexibility to meet the individual requirements of our customers. At the same time integrated development and manufacturing helps us to achieve an optimum cost effec-tiveness, which is essential to assert ourselves on the market and expand our market position. Since 1997 we meet the requirements of the ISO 9001:2000 standard.


BAUMA 2025 - Munich
BAUMA 2025 - Munich


Editorial report in the trade journal CPI
Editorial report in the trade journal CPI

Privacy policyAbout us
© 2025 Werne & Thiel GmbH